The logo for the major league pickleball league.

Building The League


What's pickleball?

Only the fastest growing sport in the US.

MLP is quickly sweeping the nation growing each year, adding teams, tournaments, and developing a cult following.

When you're scaling rapidly you need content, and lots of it.

how we did it —

We brought in a camera crew, photographer, and cinema gear to capture game play and staged hero shots.

Our goal was to build a "stock" library of high quality, high res photos and video the league could use on their website, social, and in their press packages. This included hero shots, pro tips, and interviews.

We were required to edit on-site, delivering VIP interviews to live stream and waiting press outlets plus a daily recap with highlights over 4 days of the event.


Major League Pickleball loved the content as it promoted the largest purse in pickleball history. They saw a rise in subsequent events and are continuing to scale.


Sports producer?
Send us a message.

We'll be happy to share what worked for similar organizations and talk through your ideas.

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